68 research outputs found

    Understanding and Measuring Psychological Stress using Social Media

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    A body of literature has demonstrated that users' mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, can be predicted from their social media language. There is still a gap in the scientific understanding of how psychological stress is expressed on social media. Stress is one of the primary underlying causes and correlates of chronic physical illnesses and mental health conditions. In this paper, we explore the language of psychological stress with a dataset of 601 social media users, who answered the Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire and also consented to share their Facebook and Twitter data. Firstly, we find that stressed users post about exhaustion, losing control, increased self-focus and physical pain as compared to posts about breakfast, family-time, and travel by users who are not stressed. Secondly, we find that Facebook language is more predictive of stress than Twitter language. Thirdly, we demonstrate how the language based models thus developed can be adapted and be scaled to measure county-level trends. Since county-level language is easily available on Twitter using the Streaming API, we explore multiple domain adaptation algorithms to adapt user-level Facebook models to Twitter language. We find that domain-adapted and scaled social media-based measurements of stress outperform sociodemographic variables (age, gender, race, education, and income), against ground-truth survey-based stress measurements, both at the user- and the county-level in the U.S. Twitter language that scores higher in stress is also predictive of poorer health, less access to facilities and lower socioeconomic status in counties. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of using social media as a new tool for monitoring stress levels of both individuals and counties.Comment: Accepted for publication in the proceedings of ICWSM 201

    What Twitter Profile and Posted Images Reveal About Depression and Anxiety

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    Previous work has found strong links between the choice of social media images and users' emotions, demographics and personality traits. In this study, we examine which attributes of profile and posted images are associated with depression and anxiety of Twitter users. We used a sample of 28,749 Facebook users to build a language prediction model of survey-reported depression and anxiety, and validated it on Twitter on a sample of 887 users who had taken anxiety and depression surveys. We then applied it to a different set of 4,132 Twitter users to impute language-based depression and anxiety labels, and extracted interpretable features of posted and profile pictures to uncover the associations with users' depression and anxiety, controlling for demographics. For depression, we find that profile pictures suppress positive emotions rather than display more negative emotions, likely because of social media self-presentation biases. They also tend to show the single face of the user (rather than show her in groups of friends), marking increased focus on the self, emblematic for depression. Posted images are dominated by grayscale and low aesthetic cohesion across a variety of image features. Profile images of anxious users are similarly marked by grayscale and low aesthetic cohesion, but less so than those of depressed users. Finally, we show that image features can be used to predict depression and anxiety, and that multitask learning that includes a joint modeling of demographics improves prediction performance. Overall, we find that the image attributes that mark depression and anxiety offer a rich lens into these conditions largely congruent with the psychological literature, and that images on Twitter allow inferences about the mental health status of users.Comment: ICWSM 201

    Modelling The Influence of Personality and Culture on Affect and Enjoyment in Multimedia

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    Affect is evoked through an intricate relationship between the characteristics of stimuli, individuals, and systems of perception. While affect is widely researched, few studies consider the combination of multimedia system characteristics and human factors together. As such, this paper explores the influence of personality (Five-Factor Model) and cultural traits (Hofstede Model) on the intensity of multimedia-evoked positive and negative affects (emotions). A set of 144 video sequences (from 12 short movie clips) were evaluated by 114 participants from a cross-cultural population, producing 1232 ratings. On this data, three multilevel regression models are compared: a baseline model that only considers system factors; an extended model that includes personality and culture; and an optimistic model in which each participant is modelled. An analysis shows that personal and cultural traits represent 5.6% of the variance in positive affect and 13.6% of the variance in negative affect. In addition, the affect-enjoyment correlation varied across the clips. This suggests that personality and culture play a key role in predicting the intensity of negative affect and whether or not it is enjoyed, but a more sophisticated set of predictors is needed to model positive affect with the same efficacy

    Do Personality and Culture Influence Perceived Video Quality and Enjoyment?

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    The interplay between system, context and human factors is important in perception of multimedia quality. However, studies on human factors are very limited in comparison to those for system and context factors. This article presents an attempt to explore the influence of personality and cultural traits on perception of multimedia quality. As a first step, a database consisting of 144 video sequences from 12 short movie excerpts has been assembled and rated by 114 participants from a cross-cultural population. Thereby providing a useful ground-truth for this (as well as future) study. As a second step, three statistical models are compared: (i) a baseline model to only consider system factors; (ii) an extended model to include personality and culture; and (iii) an optimistic model in which each participant is modeled. As a third step, predictive models based on content, affect, system, and human factors are trained to generalize the statistical findings. As shown by statistical analysis, personality and cultural traits represent 9.3% of the variance attributable to human factors and human factors overall predict an equal or higher proportion of variance compared to system factors. Moreover, the quality-enjoyment correlation varies across the excerpts. Predictive models trained by including human factors demonstrate about 3% and 9% improvement over models trained solely based on system factors for predicting perceived quality and enjoyment. As evidenced by this, human factors indeed are important in perceptual multimedia quality, but the results suggest further investigation of moderation effects and a broader range of human factors is necessary

    The CP-QAE-I: A Video Dataset for Exploring the Effects of Personality and Culture on Perceived Quality and Affect in Multimedia

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    Perception of quality and affect are subjective, driven by a complex interplay between system and human factors. Is it, however, possible to model these factors to predict subjective perception? To pursue this question, broader collaboration is needed to sample all aspects of personality, culture, and other human factors. Thus, an appropriate dataset is needed to integrate such efforts. Here, the CP-QAE-I is proposed. This is a video dataset containing 144 video sequences based on 12 short movie clips. These vary by: frame rate; frame dimension; bit-rate; and affect. An evaluation by 76 participants drawn from the United Kingdom, Singapore, India, and China suggests adequate distinction between the video sequences in terms of perceived quality as well as positive and negative affect. Nationality also emerged as a significant predictor, supporting the rationale for further study. By sharing the dataset, this paper aims to promote work modeling human factors in multimedia perception

    Did that happen? predicting social media posts that are indicative of what happened in a scene: a case study of a TV show

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    While popular Television (TV) shows are airing, some users interested in these shows publish social media posts about the show. Analyzing social media posts related to a TV show can be beneficial for gaining insights about what happened during scenes of the show. This is a challenging task partly because a significant number of social media posts associated with a TV show or event may not clearly describe what happened during the event. In this work, we propose a method to predict social media posts (associated with scenes of a TV show) that are indicative of what transpired during the scenes of the show. We evaluate our method on social media (Twitter) posts associated with an episode of a popular TV show, Game of Thrones. We show that for each of the identified scenes, with high AUC’s, our method can predict posts that are indicative of what happened in a scene from those that are not-indicative. Based on Twitters policy, we will make the Tweeter ID’s of the Twitter posts used for this work publicly available.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000577484 - The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvaniahttps://aclanthology.org/2022.lrec-1.781/Published versio

    An Integrative Survey on Mental Health Conversational Agents to Bridge Computer Science and Medical Perspectives

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    Mental health conversational agents (a.k.a. chatbots) are widely studied for their potential to offer accessible support to those experiencing mental health challenges. Previous surveys on the topic primarily consider papers published in either computer science or medicine, leading to a divide in understanding and hindering the sharing of beneficial knowledge between both domains. To bridge this gap, we conduct a comprehensive literature review using the PRISMA framework, reviewing 534 papers published in both computer science and medicine. Our systematic review reveals 136 key papers on building mental health-related conversational agents with diverse characteristics of modeling and experimental design techniques. We find that computer science papers focus on LLM techniques and evaluating response quality using automated metrics with little attention to the application while medical papers use rule-based conversational agents and outcome metrics to measure the health outcomes of participants. Based on our findings on transparency, ethics, and cultural heterogeneity in this review, we provide a few recommendations to help bridge the disciplinary divide and enable the cross-disciplinary development of mental health conversational agents.Comment: Accepted in EMNLP 2023 Main Conference, camera read

    Generative Adversarial Networks based Skin Lesion Segmentation

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    Skin cancer is a serious condition that requires accurate identification and treatment. One way to assist clinicians in this task is by using computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tools that can automatically segment skin lesions from dermoscopic images. To this end, a new adversarial learning-based framework called EGAN has been developed. This framework uses an unsupervised generative network to generate accurate lesion masks. It consists of a generator module with a top-down squeeze excitation-based compound scaled path and an asymmetric lateral connection-based bottom-up path, and a discriminator module that distinguishes between original and synthetic masks. Additionally, a morphology-based smoothing loss is implemented to encourage the network to create smooth semantic boundaries of lesions. The framework is evaluated on the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC) Lesion Dataset 2018 and outperforms the current state-of-the-art skin lesion segmentation approaches with a Dice coefficient, Jaccard similarity, and Accuracy of 90.1%, 83.6%, and 94.5%, respectively. This represents a 2% increase in Dice Coefficient, 1% increase in Jaccard Index, and 1% increase in Accuracy

    Twitter Corpus of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement And Counter Protests: 2013 to 2020

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    Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a grassroots movement protesting violence towards Black individuals and communities with a focus on police brutality. The movement has gained significant media and political attention following the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake in 2020. Due to its decentralized nature, the #BlackLivesMatter social media hashtag has come to both represent the movement and been used as a call to action. Similar hashtags have appeared to counter the BLM movement, such as #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter. We introduce a data set of 41.8 million tweets from 10 million users which contain one of the following keywords: BlackLivesMatter, AllLivesMatter and BlueLivesMatter. This data set contains all currently available tweets from the beginning of the BLM movement in 2013 to June 2020. We summarize the data set and show temporal trends in use of both the BlackLivesMatter keyword and keywords associated with counter movements. In the past, similarly themed, though much smaller in scope, BLM data sets have been used for studying discourse in protest and counter protest movements, predicting retweets, examining the role of social media in protest movements and exploring narrative agency. This paper open-sources a large-scale data set to facilitate research in the areas of computational social science, communications, political science, natural language processing, and machine learning